The ART and SCIENCE of
Pharma & Technology Services

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“Great vision without great people is irrelevant.”
—Jim Collins, Good to Great

Thinknicity's clients have recognized that identifying and recruiting A-players with hot or hard to find skill sets is challenging enough. Add in the fact that a wide range of competitors are all vying for the same scarce talent results in a huge distraction for team leaders and key stake holders.

To address these challenges, Thinknicity offers three distinct and customizable recruitment solutions:

Contract or project oriented consulting:
When you need a technology or clinical professional for a specific project, long or short, Thinknicity provides temporary contract consulting services.

Full time placement recruitment:
When you are ready to add a fulltime employee to your team, Thinknicity provides contingent search services.

Customized Recruitment Process Outsourcing-ThinkSource:
When you need to build a team or grow head count through multiple hires, Thinknicity offers highly customizable solutions that include exclusive recruitment resources and employment brand consulting on a retainer based fee program.


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